Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Secret of happinss in work

The secrets of happiness of work are we must have a role model in life. The role models are the good person, so we can show how to dream and success like them. Beside that, we also need mentors in live because they can give advice help or guide us. They also usually dive us spirit and encouragement to don’t give up. Furthermore, we must discover our talent, passion and strengths. Example talents are sport, business, problem solving, advice to another person and many more. We must choose the best talents in our self. It’s good to know our own talent because we often enjoy using them. Passion also are the feeling of great love for an activity, for example art, music, science, and anything. It can make we happy to do something connect our passions.
Strengths are moral characteristics- abilities to know right and wrong and to choose right, for example kindness, honestly and anymore. We must use the strengths was have in our self to make we happy with our self and also make everyone happy to be a friend with us. These are the secrets of happiness of work. For the last, choose the job what we enjoy with them.

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